Friday, February 6, 2009

Bedtime Stories

Let me start out by saying that I love my children very much. I have 4 very unique children with 8 unique personalities. There are the times when they are loving, warm and cuddly and say the funniest things...and then there are the times when their personalities no longer belong to them. They are either possessed by demons or this is who they really are. I'm not sure yet which is which, but each day convinces me more that dads have the toughest jobs, not moms. I'm currently unemployed and during the day I look for work with the late afternoons and evenings dedicated to kid time. I won't even go into feeding time in this blog.

After dinner it's time for brushing teeth and reading stories. This went relatively well until I made the mistake of offering one last story while cuddling with my two oldest (6 & 4) children. The other mistake I made was telling a made up story. This has now become an every day occurrence. At first it was kind of fun and making up stories wasn't too hard. There were magic trees and talking chipmunks which the kids thoroughly enjoyed. After a short while though, these were not good enough. They wanted me to incorporate bugs, lollipops, feathers and the color fuchsia. Even after making up one story after another, the rugrats started to complain that the stories weren't funny enough, weren't long enough or just weren't any good. Can you believe that I was agonizing each night, and now sometime during the day about stories that the kids would like and now they're telling me I stink as a storyteller.

I have this book in mind called the grandfather gets even with the kids book where I get even with my children by making their children crazy and then going home. I think the first chapter will be on making up stories and topics your parents will never be able to make up a story about.


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